Clients have a ton of different uses of our application – simple ETL of basic data to super complex, data extender type models.  The goal though in all uses of the data would be to drive to results, insights, and wisdom.

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In this session, hear from finance leaders at peer hospitals as they share lessons learned and advice for leading your organization to adopt Dynamic Planning. Listen as these leaders outline their strategies for driving change to the financial planning process within their organizations, walking through both pitfalls and successes they encountered in the process.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how other organizations are driving a change to their planning process by adopting Dynamic Planning
  • Understand the resource needs required to drive change to the planning process
  • Recognize tactics you can use to drive communication around and execution of Dynamic Planning at your organization

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In this session, learn how your peers in the Strata network are using unique data visualization tools within StrataJazz and Advanced Analytics from EPSi. See how data visualizations can tell powerful stories with insights that spark action.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how organizations are using analytics both within StrataJazz as well as through Advanced Analytics from EPSi. 
  • Identify data visualizations, filters, and dashboard actions to help your organization create a more dynamic view of your data.

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In this session, hear how organizations are making the shift to advanced planning methodologies like Dynamic Planning. Learn how financial planning tools from the New Strata can help your teams drive accountability and engagement while accelerating the planning process using data science.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how tools like StrataJazz Financial Planning and RealCost Rolling Forecast can improve your planning process. 
  • Relate some of the best practices from organizations in the Strata network to your own team’s needs to advance your planning.

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In this session, hear how organizations are making the shift to advanced planning methodologies like Dynamic Planning. Learn how financial planning tools from the New Strata can help your teams drive accountability and engagement while accelerating the planning process using data science.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how tools like StrataJazz Financial Planning and RealCost Rolling Forecast can improve your planning process. 
  • Relate some of the best practices from organizations in the Strata network to your own team’s needs to advance your planning.

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Learn how organizations participating in the 340b program are automating existing reports from their accumulator system to populate accurate 340b and GPO acquisition costs directly on patient drug charges in StrataJazz. For entities not eligible to participate in 340b, we’ll explain why drug prices may be inaccurate in your EMR today and how we can work around those issues to calculate charge-level WAC and GPO prices in StrataJazz by leveraging a standard drug price catalog.

In this panel led by Strata CFO & COO John Martino and VP of Experience Management Cara Boaz, you will hear from hospital CFOs representing organizations across Strata’s network. Learn how these leaders navigated challenges faced across healthcare this year, and hear how they are planning for the future at their organizations.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about the strategies, processes, and tools that CFOs used to guide their organizations through this year’s challenges
  • Identify lessons learned from your peers on how they were able to pivot and better plan, analyze, and perform during this year
  • Understand how your organization can approach the road to recovery

Join this opening keynote session to hear from Strata CEO Dan Michelson and other Strata leaders who will share how Strata is here to help your organization better plan, analyze, and perform.  Learn how Strata is working to make it easy for you and your team to leverage data to make better decisions, network with other hospitals and health systems, and take advantage of new design and product efficiencies to make it easier to drive change.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize product improvements and initiatives that will help you and your team plan, analyze, and perform
  • Identify new or updated tools your organization can use to leverage data and gain insights from peers across Strata’s customer network

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In this panel session, leaders from Cone Health and Northwestern Memorial Healthcare talk about the things they learned in their first year after go-live with StrataJazz® Decision Support.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how other organizations are evolving their process using an advanced cost accounting tool
  • Understand how these organizations benefited from steps taken and improvements made following implementation

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When given the opportunity, physicians value the ability to use cost information to inform decisions and drive quality patient care. In this session, learn how Essentia Health has partnered with Strata to develop a vision for engaging physicians with data and aligning that data to clinical processes. Learn how StrataJazz® Continuous Improvement has helped Essentia Health develop data-driven cost reduction projects that align clinical and financial efforts.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how organizations are using StrataJazz to help socialize cost information with physicians
  • Learn how to develop targeted impact and goals through processes and using StrataJazz

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