Hands-on Lab: Axiom Web Reporting
1-Day Online Course, Group Internet Based
Available Dates
- March 18, 2025
- June 17, 2025
Course Description
Axiom software provides browser-based reporting tools to transform data into insightful reports. In this course, you will develop best practices in creating robust grid-based web reports using drag-and-drop functionality, create fixed-row structures, and practice report distribution.
Course Information
- Audience: Primary Users, Data Analysts, Report Writers, Report Modifiers, Report Users
- Prerequisite Courses: Axiom Essentials
- Advanced Preparation: None
- Program Level: Intermediate
- Field of Study: Computer Software & Applications
- CPE Credits: Up to 2 CPE credits. Refer to the Strata Academy homepage for more information.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of each module, learners will be able to:
- Define Axiom Intelligence
- Navigate to the Intelligence Center
- View web reports and visualizations
- Manage reports, row structures, and models
- Create a web report
- Build and apply a fixed row structure
- Configure column properties
- Add column groups
- Add calculated columns
- Apply column filters
- Use the Filter Wizard to create report filters
- Apply general and table-specific filters
- Create limit filters
- Display date/time values
- Report on process information
- Display hyperlinks
- Share web reports
Registration Instructions & Pricing
This stand-alone course costs $375 per attendee and is not included within a certification package. To purchase this course in Strata Academy, follow the steps in the Sign Up Guide.
For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaints and refunds, please contact strataacademy@stratadecision.com.
After your registration in this course is confirmed, you will receive several emails:
A calendar invitation for the course with Zoom information.
Closer to the course date, your instructor will email you information on your assigned Axiom training system. If you encounter any issues, email strataacademy@stratadecision.com.