How Syntellis can help
Transform data into intelligence and strategies into success with a single solution that unifies your financial planning processes. See what our award-winning enterprise performance management software can do for your organization!
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Trusted by 2,800+ organizations
4.7/5 on Gartner Peer Insights
4.4/5 on G2
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“You don’t remain competitive by just being good at your base and your core. If we didn’t have the core data set we have with Axiom, I don’t know how my team and I would do our job. It would be almost impossible without it.”
Ben Moncher, Senior Director of Finance at Fisher-Titus Medical Center

“In the past, it would have been an excruciating exercise to redo our budget, and we probably would have tried to avoid it. This year, it was almost a non-event given the capabilities in the software. Axiom was a game-changer.”
Ann Uher, Director of Accounting and Analytics, Emory University School of Medicine

“We have definitely been on the data journey, and Axiom can handle all of that data quicker, so we make better decisions to help our customers,” Neese says.
Ryan Neese, Vice President, Financial Planning & Analysis Manager, Lake City Bank