2025 Update
Strata has integrated its monthly data reports to streamline the latest insights for you. See Strata’s Monthly Healthcare Industry Financial Benchmarks for the most up-to-date patient volume data, as well as data on hospital operating margins, revenues, expenses, and physician practice performance. The report also includes a supplemental pdf attachment with additional patient volume data and graphics previously contained within the National Patient and Procedure Volume Tracker.
Subscribe to StrataSphere for exclusive access to our most current monthly patient volumes data. To learn more, email us at info@stratadecision.com.
About the National Patient and Procedure Volume Tracker
We will release an updated version of the National Patient and Procedure Volume Tracker on the last Monday of each month. In the report, you can expect to find:
Volumetric Trends
- Volumetric trends of 450+ hospitals across the United States
- Volumetric trends of 15+ Children’s Hospitals
New Analytics
- Compare recent month’s trends to 2021 or 2019 (pre-COVID-19) levels
- Understand inpatient hospital trends related to case mix index, length of stay and rate of conversion for emergency and observation patients to inpatient
About StrataSphere®
StrataSphere currently includes over 100 participating health systems, representing more than $150 billion in operating expense. Whereas existing comparative analytics and benchmarking solutions rely primarily on public datasets, StrataSphere provides accurate, actionable and timely comparisons of key metrics. StrataSphere utilizes machine learning to leverage trillions of data points from this network of providers already using StrataJazz for financial planning, analytics and performance. For this reason, participation in StrataSphere requires no additional data submission or work effort.